Monday, September 5, 2011

Downstate Urology fundraiser

Dear All,

Darren Mack, MD, U-2 at SUNY Downstate Urology, has brilliantly launched a campaign to raise funds for a number of residency-related projects. Among these include purchase of the new 2011-edition Campbell's Urology textbooks, surgical loupes, and Downstate Urology-logo lab coats for all 15 residents. We also intend to send each resident to one specialty meeting per year in the hopes of augmenting the academic side of our already outstanding, unique clinical program. My gratitude to Darren for lending his considerable expertise and enthusiasm to such a worthy endeavor, and many thanks to all contributors.



Jeffrey P. Weiss, MD, FACS
Professor and Chair
Department of Urology
SUNY Downstate Medical Center

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